Why authors prefer Indian Journal of Science and Technology (INDJST)?
- IJST has been in Web of Science for more than a decade.
- IJST is a broad-spectrum journal of WIDER research coverage.
- APC based Gold Open Access publication with minimum charge (12k); fees is 10 to 5-fold lesser compared to its peer group.
- Weekly Publication (hence, rapid).
- Authors hold the copyright for their published articles; FREE to access/ distribute/showcase in any interactive platforms to gain further visibility & citation hike.
- Being Gold open access, INDJST is indexed widely as it stands for No-paywall/firewall restrictions/ No-commercial gain.
- Quality Review process; double blind review model.
- Ensures for quality publication (from submission to publication finish line, One can experience a quantum jump towards Quality Enhancement).
- Editorial Support boosts every qualifying manuscript to gain higher quality orbit and stands competent for further double-blind critical review (by doyens of renowned international research groups).
- Notably, the First-Time Authors Benefit Greatly.