
Join Us Reviewer

Join Us Reviewer

Reviewers are the back-bone of the Indian Journal of Science and Technology (INDJST) whose voluntary contribution sets as the invisible roots to bear the fruits of scientific reliability and research development. Indeed, the quality of any journal or its service is largely dependent on the selfless support of academic experts as reviewers. INDJST proudly musters the unlimited support from innumerable experts across the globe. INDJST is thankful to all of them.

At the same time, the steep demand for scientific fine tuning in every stream, necessitates the Role-Players for every root-lets of scientific specialization.  In this regard, may I request if you could join us or if you could suggest any other suitable experts known to you for such a noble cause? We would like to build a reviewer team as volunteers who will team up with their colleagues to inject quality in the scientific transactions of INDJST.

Reviewers will have an opportunity to read the title and abstract of the
paper in question on an invitation and they will always be in a position to ‘accept’ or ‘decline it. A Reviewer can also ask at any point to have the Reviewer’s name removed from this reviewer list.

We are providing you with a username and password, which is used in all interactions with the journal through its website. You may also update your profile or reviewing interests at any time.

Experts may join INDJST as reviewer by expressing such interest through email indicating the field of review interest along with your academic profile or simply register online as a reviewer (

With deep respect,

Prof. Natarajan Gajendran
