
Know Your Publisher

Know Your Publisher

Indian Journal of Science and Technology is being published as Gold Open Access by Indian Society for Education and Environment (iSee) since its inception (year 2007).

iSee is a non-profit organization (NGO) founded its inception in 2007 as a Society by the initiatives of Scientists, Educationalists, and Healthcare professionals from India. iSee strives to contribute its mites in the realm of Education, Environment and Health. In this regard, iSee has been engaged in spreading Health & Environment awareness by conducting special campaigns, seminars and conferences and also by supporting research projects.

iSee pays special attention to bridge knowledge gaps and economic disparity for information access among regions and strengthens the academic ties among young researchers with experts, globally. In this regard, iSee conducts conferences, workshops and encourages open access publications. Thus, iSee is benefitting the Researchers as well as the world community with the fruit of innovation through unlimited knowledge sharing.

With the above objectives, iSee brings out its precious research publication outputs (>15000 articles) to the public domain through its own archives and through impartial aggregators. All the articles can be accessed FREELY and Fully under Gold Open Access policy. This will be a great Boost to the research community especially those researchers from the Developing and Underdeveloped countries who otherwise face financial pressure from other journal sources demanding huge subscription fee. Similarly, the librarians are also relieved from the subscription burden and thus saving the public money/ expenses from the Government exchequer.

Of late, iSee is also subjected to unscientific humiliation from the stray blogs and biased opinion fuelled by the vested MNC publishers behind the screen who could still make huge profit by exploiting public funded research project outputs in the name of Copyrights. The greedy publishers in turn levy a heavy fee on our researchers (30-40 USD for every download or imposing 1000 to 3500 USD as fee if one opted for open access publication in their journals).

iSee strives to break such unethical paywall by aligning itself to the Gold Open Access Policy. In this course, iSee and other Open Access Publishers, especially from the Developing regions, may continue to receive step-motherly treatment from those Greedy publishers (who own 1000s of journals) and their supported indexing agencies/ Directories who may serve the interest of  those MNC publishers. They also pose a great threat to the service rendered by iSee and alike publishers from the developing countries. Their predatory approach can be seen how the fair indexing agencies (self-claim)  are being bent to act in favour of the MNC publishers by eliminating individual publishers and journals from the indexing list and protect the journals of MNC publishers with huge profit to monopolize the publication field.

How scientific community still be made brain-washed if a single publication company can own 1000s of journals and still can claim itself not a fake publisher or predatory publisher and get most of its journals indexed successfully under an indexing brand (owned by itself) purported as Fair Indexing Brand for academic evaluation. It is high time for any Nation to develop suitable measure in evaluating journals on fair set of guidance instead of depending on a private indexing brand to do the job.

Equally, it is high time for our Academic Community to watch the predatory approach of such Greedy publishers who make huge profit on commercial interest and also making ownership on public intellectual research publications.

iSee invites openly for suggestions to evolve suitable guidelines and tools to replace money mongers controlling the field of academic information sharing and at the same time protecting the quality research publications!