
For Conference Organizers

For Conference Organizers

Dear and Respected Organizer (s) of Conference/special Issue/Research Coordinators,

Greetings and thank you for the kind opportunity given to the journal (Indian Journal of Science and Technology) for possible publication of your esteemed research outcomes. 

It is a great pleasure to showcase them as a GOLD OPEN Publication that can benefit researchers universally. 

I welcome personally and whole heartedly.

Kindly share the following tips with your scholars so that the processing will be easier at our end.

The articles can be put together as Special issue/ Regular issue

Special issue can include guest editorial team and also declaration by them for the responsiveness of quality review.

With deep respect

Prof. Natarajan gajendran (+91-9940444695)


Work flow:

The organizing committee/Research coordinator needs to receive the articles initially to improve and review at your end; after that, it can be shared to this email address ( We will do our internal review; the revised articles at your end again can be finally uploaded online and the manuscript number generated online can be shared with us.

Now these articles are ready for 1 external blind review online at our end before accepting.

  1. You receive the article directly by email from authors
  2. You will improve them by formatting and review it.
  3. You share those articles to me by email link (wetransfer) along with excel file of tabulation (your assigned article id, title, authors, email, phone)
  4. I select suitable articles and put them for review internally at my side; some articles will be rejected at this stage.
  5. I send back to you the tentatively accepted articles along with comments for improvement by mail for revision.
  6. Now you will instruct the authors/ forward/ send those articles to authors for revision.
  7. You collect the revised articles from the authors.
  8. You Upload online those articles or instruct authors to do.
  9. Share those manuscript numbers to us as a table.
  10. We will send those articles further for a single blind review from online (to unknown expert by online automated process). 
  11. Acceptance and rejection will be based on the final outcome; one more revision. by author may be needed at that time; rejection will also happen at this stage. 
  12. Now fee payment will be intimated to you for those accepted articles.
  13. After fee payment, the articles will be put into publication process.
  14. A discount will be extended to those manuscripts (11000 Rs instead of 12K).

Kindly share the following information among potential authors during manuscript preparation:

  1. Abstract should contain the following sub-headings:
  • Objectives:
  • Methods:
  • Findings:
  • Novelty:
  • Keywords:

(Abstract must be enriched with quantitative data; not mere statements/ claims)

  1. Introduction must be a para with about 10 most recent and relevant references to the topic (2024-2020); The research gaps among the published works must be technically analysed and justify why and how the present work is intended to fill the gap.
  2. Methodology: must include details of database/ dataset used/ how algorithm modified; what are the parameters considered/ sample size/ how it was compared with Gold standard methods; what are the internal controls or standards for performance comparison.
  3. Results and discussion section; must include comparative aspects of current results with the already published reports in terms of accuracy/ cost/ benefit/ reliability/ docile/ advantages
  4. Conclusion must exhibit novelty of the findings and should connect how the objectives are met; how the present work fares better than known / published works. Enrich conclusion with novelty/ unique findings/ quantitative or qualitative data; add limitations and future prospects
  5. References: Must not more than 25; 90% of it should be between 2024-2020; please exclude references down from 2018 except in methodology

Include DOI number/ publication URL for each reference

The received articles please be shared after plagiarism and grammar check and veracity by means of and email the link to


General guidelines for individual author submission (bulk articles organizers communicated directly by email, initially):

Kindly submit the manuscript online ( after registering in as Author. In case of any difficulty, please let me know.

Kindly access the following link before submission:

Title page file”: Please provide Names, affiliations (complete address including the Department and the Institution) and emails of all authors in “Title page file” separately; identify the corresponding author with email and phone number (cell). You may also include “Acknowledgement” here.

Manuscript File”: Manuscript as word file will include: 1.Article Title (omit author details [for blind review]), 2.Abstract, 3.Introduction, 4.Methodology, 5.Results and Discussion, 6.Conclusion and 7.Reference sections.  

Author Guidelines 

  • Authors need to explain the importance and novelty of the current approach.
  • Please include all author names and affiliation in the manuscript; indicate corresponding author’s email and phone number
  • The citation should be as per the journal style i.e., numerically increasing order [1], [2], [3] etc (not author name, year) and not as zigzag like [1], [5], [3] and the same way to be listed under reference;
  • Kindly insert line numbers
  • Enrich your abstract and conclusion with quantitative data along with novel ideas reached.
  • The abstract should be brief and should include the following sub-headings :
  • Objectives:
  • Methods:
  • Findings:
  • Novelty:
  • Keywords:
  • Enrich the abstract and conclusion with quantitative/comparative/numerical data in support of your findings (without comparative data or statistical values in this-sections, it will be looked upon as empty statements as readers mostly read abstract and or conclusion only)
  • The citation should be as per the journal style i.e., numerically increasing order [1], [2], [3] etc (not author name, year) and the same way to be listed under reference;
  • It is preposterous citing many papers in one go [eg., [1,2,3,4,5,etc; instead, choose 1 or 2 most matching/relevant to your topic and most recent among them].
  • Introduction should be written in a polished way stitching together the major advancement made in the area and also pin-point the gaps and justify the need for the present study.
  • (In other words, the introduction should highlight those recent developments in the area of problem studied and should highlight the gaps and justify why the present work is undertaken; so that the readers will be inspired to look for additional information what the rest of the article is going to offer. The related work should be merged with introduction).
  • In Introduction, please omit textbook information; the author’s attempt to make the fundamentals clear to the Readers should be avoided as most readers are experts only wish to know what new information available in the article; introduction should highlight major gaps of the existing literature and also to justify the present work; on this context major milestone works of recent ones (about 10 references from 2024 to 2020) should be highlighted along with their limitations for which your work is going to rectify. Generally, omit references older than 2018 (except in methodology).
  • Introduction should distil out the gaps of previous work not restating and arranging it for textbook readers; abridge the introduction section to a para.
  • Introduction should capture the major gaps of the existing literature and also to justify the present work; on this context, major milestone works of recent and most matching ones (about 10 references from 2024 to 2020) should be highlighted along with their limitations for which your work is going to rectify. Generally, omit references older than 2018 (except in methodology) and no need to expand it as literature survey or restating the historical developments.
  • When similar studies already exist, what new elements are brought out is to be highlighted.
  • In other words, introduction should be written in a polished way stitching together the major advancement made in the area and also pin-point the gaps and mention how your work is going to address those issues. It should not be mere narration of the literature.
  • “Results and Discussion” Section include a detailed discussion on how and why you were able to achieve better results in comparison to state of the art techniques  already published reports. Your obtained results should be matched with previous publication by comparing and contrasting to exhibit the novelty of your work. Comparative citation of previous work is must.
  • (under introduction, the research gaps are identified by exhibiting the works of most related studies; under ‘Results and Discussion’, your results are to be compared with that of the most relevant already published works; this will exhibit the merits of your work)
  • Conclusion should highlight the novelty of your work (take home piece of new information) connecting with study objectives; indicate the limitations and future scope.Support your claim with quantitative data
  • Under conclusion section, what major knowledge gaps still remain should also be stated; how your results advanced the present understandings when compared to those of previously published results, must be ascertained
  • Abstract section and Conclusion section must be stated with novel outcome and enrich them with quantitative data
  • Reference section should be prepared as per the journal style (Add DOI number/ publication URL for each reference);
  • Recent references should have been consulted (2024-2019); Please omit references older than 2018 (Except under ‘Methodology’ section)
  • INDJST is a weekly publishing journal; open access publication. The published articles can also be accessed freely at: ; 

Why Organizers prefer Indian Journal of Science and Technology (IJST)?

  1. Organizers INTERACT with Editor/ editorial Board members, DIRECTLY.
  2. The publisher is from YOUR neighbouring region (India).
  3. IJST has been in Web of Sciencefor more than a decade.
  4. IJST is a broad-spectrum journal of WIDER research coverage.
  5. APC based Gold Open Access publicationwith minimum charge (12k); fees is 10 to 5-fold LESSER compared to its peer group.
  6. WEEKLY PUBLICATION(hence, rapid).
  7. Authors hold the copyright for their published articles; FREE to access/ distribute/showcase in any interactive platforms to gain further visibility & citation hike.
  8. Being Gold open access, IJST is INDEXED WIDELYas it stands for No-paywall/firewall restrictions/ No-commercial gain.
  9. TRANSPARENT REVIEWprocess; double blind review model.
  10. Ensures for quality publication (from submission to publication finish line, you can experience a quantum jump towards QUALITY ENHANCEMENT).
  11. EDITORIAL SUPPORT boosts every qualifying manuscript to gain higher quality orbit and stand competent for further double-blind critical review (by doyens of renowned international research groups);
  13. Organizers may end up with publishing less numbers; but harvest RICH QUALITY BENEFITSwhile building their academic brands.



  • A desirable article will include:
  • Short manuscript (5 to 6 pages excluding the figures and tables)
  • Table and figures together less than 10 numbers
  • References less than 25 (90% should be from 2024-2020)
  • Abstract should be enriched with quantitative data
  • Introduction is about a para, mainly exposes the recent (2024-2020)  and most relevant findings (matching with your title) and expose their research gaps and justify for your work
  • Methodology should include details of dataset used; how tested/ trained/ compared with gold standard methods; what modification you made in the methodology etc (omit basic details and elaboration with already known information)
  • Results and discussion section should include how your results are superior compared to hitherto published claims. So, compare and contrast your findings by refereeing with previous publications
  • (under Introduction section, you are finding the research gaps in the recently published works; but under results and discussion section” you are matching your results with relevant published reports’ results)
  • All the figures and Tables must be original and of high resolution
  • Conclusion section should mention how the objectives fulfilled by stating the novel outcomes of your work linking with objectives; enrich  the section with quantitative data; express comparatively how your work is  novel and better; mention the limitations of your work and future scope
  • All references should be provided with DOI number or publication URL
  • Of course free from plagiarism stain
  • Please submit the manuscript in plain word file single column, not as double column and not as journal layout. Kindly exclude those add on’s including header and footer and other not needed display.
  • All formulae/equations should be Math typed or by similar editable software
  • Please group a,b,c of a figure under a single picture frame movable as a unit
  • It is Not desirable citing many papers in one go [eg., [1,2,3]etc; instead, choose 1 the most matching/relevant to your topic and most recent among them].